Ten Cate: more than 300 years of textile experience
Hendrik ten Cate, from Almelo, was a commercial intermediary in the linen industry in the late 17th century. He bought yarns, distributed them to farmers (who processed it at home) and sold the linen fabrics at home and abroad. For centuries, Ten Cate has also made household textiles. In our old library there are still sample books from 1932 with table linen, sun awning fabric and headscarves. Fabrics were formerly bleached, washed and dyed at the P.C Stamstraat. Our office building in Nijverdal is still known as ‘D'Oale Bleeke’.
The emergence of TenCate Outdoor Fabrics
Experience and an open mind for new technology and chemistry has made the company what it is today. Royal Ten Cate B.V. has grown to become one of the market leaders in innovative materials worldwide.
The cloth for the camper
TenCate Outdoor Fabrics originated from the parent company in the second half of the last century.
TenCate emerged in the time when holidays became accessible to a larger audience. People had more free time and went camping more often. Their tents needed to be comfortable and last a long time. This increased the need for tent canvas with special properties. Our textile experience and knowledge of materials helped us to develop a breathable canvas that was both waterproof and mould-resistant. Ideal for the camper who wanted to enjoy a holiday in any weather condition. The canvas was immediately a success across Europe. This unique product has been further developed over the years. Camping is now safer and more pleasant than ever before, due to the development of special features including flame retardant properties.
Digital printing techniques
New digital printing techniques are the next step. It creates the opportunity to provide tent canvas or sun awnings with any desired pattern. Every customer can create his/her own collection and image. It will not be long before the camper can also have his/her own design applied to tent canvas from TenCate Outdoor Fabrics. This is important for the recreational market where the consumer has increasingly higher demands. The hip and trendy tipi’s at festivals are a good example of this.

TenCate brand used for the products of our customers
Anyone who visits a campsite or an outdoor event can no longer ignore it.
Tents (compact and large), trailer tents, awnings, canopies, lodges and bungalow tents, festival tents: the canvas is in most cases developed by TenCate Outdoor Fabrics. America and Asia have also discovered our canvases. Campers all over the world want optimal protection against sun, rain and wind. Outdoor living should be a pleasant experience, close to nature. TenCate Outdoor Fabrics makes it all possible.

TenCate Outdoor Fabrics continues to work on developing canvas for tents and sun awnings on a daily basis. Canvas with improved and new properties. Canvas can be produced in small quantities, completely to the wishes of each individual customer. In the ‘Factory of the Future’ innovation programme, work is still under way to find unknown possibilities. TenCate Outdoor Fabrics does this together with knowledgeable institutions and technology partners.